Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Grand Dog!

This is our new Grand Dog! No name yet....Anth can't decide(big surprise) probably between Rocco or Louis(Louey) He is an Italian Greyhound-super sweet & cute-such a lover to everyone.


  1. Oh my gosh! There it is! Your comment "link" is actually your time stamp of when you made the post! Duh! I have never seen it like that on any other sites. Wow. so it's not a curse after all! PS> if you use your photo software and compress your photo, it might fit centered... Don't get me wrong, though, the 'bigger your pizza, the better'! Love you!

  2. Yay! it's centered! (hm...i guess i must have some symetry problem I've never been aware of!) Looks great!

  3. Well, I posted that...but now I can't tell if you changed it or not... did you? it looks smaller. You must have a great camera! It takes huge pictures!

  4. ok that is unreal-do you want me to just hire you as my 'blog designer'?

  5. ummmmmmmmm like you don't have 'enough' to do-like helping someone learn how to resize photos!? i mean are GREAT!


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  • Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening